"In sickness and in health."
Those words slide over our tongues
faster than we realize what we are promising.
We commit to a lot on our wedding day.
With God's help,
we deliver on those vows
whether plagued with a pandemic or a silly old sniffle.
What can I say about my husband and his response to my severe covid?
Never have I felt
so loved,
cared for.
He devoted himself to my well being.
To making me
And always,
to know his love.
When vows were made with dreamy eyes,
we didn't envision
the potty chair,
the mess,
the work,
the pain,
the exhaustion.
Never a complaint.
Always joy.
Forever a smile,
A joke,
a laugh, and
A happy home is a healing home.
Not knowing how to cook, he taught himself how.
Making me amazing gourmet meals.
When he asked what I wanted for dessert,
I said, "pineapple upside down cake."
I was kidding.
How in the world do you turn a cake upside down?
I had never ventured it.
But there it was.
What Elaine wanted,
Dan gave.
The house clean.
Kitchen spotless.
Laundry done.
Kisses given.
Prayers prayed.
I am blessed by a man who has the gift of mercy.
Caring for me was
his desire,
his calling,
his devotion
to the wife of his youth.
"May your fountain be blessed,
and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth."
Proverbs 5:18
I am the wife of Dan's youth.
We rejoice in our love.
The love God gave us for each other.
The love we share for Him.
The love that endures forever.
The Love that strengthens us when we are weak.
the Love that heals.
The Love that says
"Love is patient,
love is kind . . . .
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered . . . .
always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres. "
1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
My husband.
Overflowing with love
just like

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