Four years ago, I lay in a covid bed tethered to life-sustaining oxygen attached to a wall. The Lord held my heart during those three weeks in isolation. Looking back, I realize how delightful was the time. Just me and my Lord.
In the quiet, He
reminded me of Psalm 139:16:
“. . . All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
All of our days are ordained for us before we are born.
“Ordained” means
“Set apart for a purpose.”
Every day of my life and yours is set apart for a purpose and ordained by God before we are born.
As 2025 approaches and Christmas is celebrated, I strive to find God’s purpose each day.
Every hour, every breath, every word, thought, and moment is in God’s unique plan for my life.
I love watching our 15th grandbaby Evelyn Jubilee discover her purpose.
Evie has Down Syndrome.
Her value cannot be denied.
She brings joy and laughter to every heart. Her eyes twinkle and her whole face beams at her zest for life. So happy to be alive, she treats every moment and each person as precious to her heart.
Evie sees the world through the eyes of Jesus, and
just like God,
Evie delights in you.
As we ponder the birth of the baby Jesus, we realize
God knit Deity in Mary’s womb for a great purpose:
To bring us to God.
Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins
and rose again three days later!
And what is our response?
Ask God’s forgiveness,
repent of our sins,
believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and
surrender our lives to Jesus as our Lord and Savior and Shepherd.
The Lord is our Shepherd as we seek our purpose.
A shepherd guides his sheep.
Take hold of Jesus and allow Him to guide you to the perfect purpose God ordained for you when He knit you in your mother’s womb.
What a precious Savior and Shepherd is Jesus our Lord!
Dan and I and all our family are well.
We count it all joy to
call you our family and friends.
Blessed Christmas!