"Home today!"
A great goal
whether isolated in ICU or
trapped at home during a pandemic.
Every day should be lived to the full
with an exclamation point (or three) at the end!!!
In my hospital bed,
I knew these could be my final days on earth.
I've always wanted to
live and die well.
Sitting at the deathbed of beloved saints,
I've witnessed their peace and joy.
We can't contrive those moments when
Jesus takes our hand and
escorts us to Heaven.
There is no "fake" on a deathbed.
Heaven and Home are reality.
I told my daughter,
whether I live or die
I will go out with glory!
A smile on my face!
A song in my heart!
Laughter on my lips!
God has a purpose for us whether our days are good or difficult.
Some feel the pandemic was a waste of our time,
but time is only wasted when we waste it.
Every day is an opportunity to live well and shine for Jesus.
We choose
our goals,
our attitude,
whether to grow
or grumble.
(and I hope every day)
let's fill our hearts with thankfulness and
praise to the One Who
blesses us with
His goals and His time.
"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus concerning you."
1 Thessalonians 5:18
What a blessed truth to realize this Holy Week that
in God's perfect time
Jesus came to earth and took the
punishment for your sins and mine.
He died a cruel death on the cross and
three days later
He rose again!!!
Jesus returned to Heaven to prepare a Home for us.
One day His Holy Hand will reach for ours as
He escorts believers to Heaven.
He's reaching for you.
Will you accept His invitation?
Jesus' goal for your day is that you would know Him and
the power of His resurrection.
Surrender your life and your day to Jesus and
all other goals will seem like foolishness.
You will,
for the first time,
know what Jesus meant when He said,
"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."
Jesus in John 10:10
Will today be the day you live life to the full?
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