Yellow socks.
She slipped the yellow socks on my feet and
God reminded me:
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but
of power and
of love and
a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7
Yellow is the color of courage.
I needed that reminder from my Jesus.
After a wonderful night sleeping by my big bear of
a cuddly husband in our own bed
and drinking in all the wonder of being home,
my oxygen levels plummeted again.
I am back in the hospital.
My vitals are now good
Wrong statistics.
That was fifty years ago.
I am told this is all normal, to
expect months long recovery, where
I may play ping-pong living at
I admit asking God,
what are you doing?
So many prayed for me!
He answered,
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,
declares the Lord.
As the Heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways and
my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9
God knows what He is doing.
So glad He is in charge of my days.
So, if your day fills with fears or doubts,
pull up your yellow socks,
look up to Jesus, and
listen up to what God wants to teach you.
He has much to say.

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