Monday, April 15, 2013

"We All Married Idiots" Impacts Healthy Marriages

Two author/speaker friends never intended to read We All Married Idiots. Afterall, there marriages were great. Why fix something that isn't broken? Well Idiots encourages great marriages to a higher level of greatness. Afterall, even the great can fall!

I was blessed when my friends with amazing marriages read We All Married Idiots and messaged me how Idiots impacted their already healthy marriages. I hope you will heed their advice and read We All Married Idiots too.

~Janet Lynn Mitchell, Author of Words Matter wrote:

“What? Me read a book about marriage?” I giggle to myself when given the book. “I’ve recently celebrated my 30th wedding anniversary, I’ve got this down.” Yet, drawn in by Elaine Miller's humor, I immediately discovered that “We all Married Idiots,” including my husband and me!
Elaine’s book, “We all Married Idiots,” is a must read for marriages of all durations. It can be read together as a couple, used in a Bible study, or cherished by a believing spouse who’s ready to give up. It offers the tools to empower your home and marriage to be its best!
In speaking at conferences, I often ask my audience, “If you were choosing a spouse for the one you married, would you have chosen YOU?” Even after 30 years of my own love and commitment, Elaine Miller's book gave me lots to think about and pray about, and offered me great ideas that will cause me to be a better wife and lover. Yes, because she dared to write We All Married Idiots, my husband and our children will all be helped by its words"

Faith Bogdan, Author of Who Are All These Children and Why Are They Calling Me MOM? wrote:

"Even though I wouldn't gravitate toward a marriage book b/c that's not where I need the most help in my life (thank God), I found your book so encouraging! A situation even arose hours later with my husband and your words came back to me: he is being an idiot, not a fool. There is a difference, and I can be thankful he's one and not the other! But more than that, I found I can apply the truths you wrote about in other relationships. In fact, I'm going to use some of your material in my Sunday sermon, "When God's People Disappoint." So helpful!
Just wanted to tell you. I"m sorry I never read it before; I had bought it for two people whom I felt needed it much more than me. God's timing is perfect; I'm glad I discovered it on my bookshelf!" 

Book reviews are a splash of serenity on my day. Join my fight and God's fight for marriages. Please. I'd love for any readers to post a review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Christian Book Distributors, or GoodReads. Thank you!

While you are at it, read and review my friends'excellent books.
Words Matter by Janet Lynn Mitchell
Click book cover to purchase on Amazon
Who Are All These Children and Why Are They Calling Me MOM?
by Faith Bogdan
Click book cover to purchase on Amazon

Splashes of Serenity on your marriage today!



  1. Love the title of this book. I can't wait to read it. Another great book on marriage that I found heartwarming and entertaining is the book, "Ring EXchange - Adventures of a Multiple Marrier" by author Pam Evans. The author reveals that her many treks ”down the aisle” were part of a ”long and winding road” with learned lessons and wisdom to pass along to others.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Lauren. My prayer is that We All Married Idiots will encourage couples to hold on to their marriage because in multiple marriages, well, you just marry an idiot all over again. LOL!!! I'll check out Pam Evans book. Thanks.


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