I've been trying to get pregnant for years! Ever since my last baby was born. Month after month went by with no conception. My timing wasn't right, but God's timing is perfect. He had lessons to teach me before He allowed me another child.
Voila! Here's the photo of my recently conceived baby, still a bit fuzzy. Not quite sure how he or she will develop, but progressing nicely.
Authors compare writing a book to having a baby.
I'm right now at that ecstatic stage. I want to tell the world I'm pregnant! A new book is on its way! So excited I want to shout the title from the rooftops, but my publisher and agent warn against divulging the name until the actual birth. Day by day my baby grows.
As excited as I am, I fear the days ahead knowing satan will do all he can to destroy my child and me. There will be sleepless nights when the baby just won't stop moving and I can't sleep. Middle of the night book writing is not my plan, but sometimes my unborn child won't settle down until the written page lulls him back to sleep. There will be worries that the baby will have something wrong with it or will have little impact in this world. And then there is the birth to look forward. Oh my, the pain of editing and having others chop up your masterpiece.
Delivery day is another moment of exultation. Huge announcements and parties and fun. Everyone will love the baby at first. But, there are always the doubters who think your baby isn't quite as cute as another baby they just read.
After delivery, reality hits. Oh my, am I prepared to parent this child? How do I market my baby so he or she becomes effective in the book world of competition. Truth is, once the baby is born, the real work begins. Raising your child. I don't expect to raise a genius, but I do pray some lives will be touched by His presence.
I just became pregnant and I am giving myself nine months to birth this book. The Lord may have other plans. Some books are early and some late. I leave it in His Hands.
Would you pray for me during this pregnancy, labor, delivery, and parenting a newborn to adulthood?
In my heart I feel this book could be a powerful source in the less-than-joyful world where we live.
My husband read the first chapter and said,
"That came straight from God. It looks like you need to write another book."
And so I do.
Pray for Dan too. Expectant fathers must deal with craziness when their wife is expecting. I mean, sometimes I get so wrapped up in the script I forget to eat, ignore the time, and can neglect my man. Pray I will have words from the Lord in His timing, so I can finish the work He planned for me, while being an excellent wife to my dear Dan. Thank you.
Praying this baby brings splashes of serenity to many and to me as I write,

People are gonna talk about this one!
ReplyDeleteI hope so! People usually do talk about a new pregnancy. Especially, when they think the author makes sweet children. Hugs to you, Thea!
Can. Not. Wait!
Praying for you, Dan, and the baby...
Lisa Buske
Thanks, my friend. May the Lord bless our work for Him. Love and miss you. Much.