Since I'm all about Splashes of Serenity, I dove into the pool of people posting an interview with Kathy Collard Miller, the author of Partly Cloudy with Scattered Worries. Who doesn't want to find serenity or peace in all kinds of weather? Kathy Collard Miller shows us how. Be blessed as God covers you with His umbrella in the thunderstorms of life.
Leave a comment on this blog and you will be entered in a drawing to receive a free copy of Partly Cloudy with Scattered Worries. The winner's will be picked out of basket (or perhaps an umbrella) on November 9, 2013. Congratulations to Talker445, the winner of Partly Cloudy with Scattered Worries.
Won't you join in on Kathy Collard Miller's facebook party being held today, November 2, 2013. Lots of free prizes!
What is your book about?
My book helps women, in particular, to trust God more and
thus worry less. It is filled with stories from my own life and the lives of
others who learned how to do that very thing, along with Biblical principles
and practical instruction. But that's not all! (Oh sorry, wrong commercial).
I've also included Discussion Questions that a group or an individual can use.
Plus, every chapter highlights a woman from the Bible who either struggled with
worry or one who overcame her worry. And as if that's not enough, (this is
sounding like a commercial), I've closed every chapter with a “Letter From God”
which speaks to the reader about what she learned in the chapter.
Who is your book for?
As you can tell, my book is primarily for women readers but
I believe men would benefit from it also.
Why do you think people worry?
Of course, there are many reasons but here are a few. We may
have experienced some hurtful things in childhood and blamed God. So our hearts
are fearful of turning control over to Him. We may think that worry gives us
power in another person's life. I remember worrying when my teenaged son had to
fly across country by himself to a Christian golf camp. I worried he would miss
his connecting flight until God whispered, “You're worried because you want him
to need you. Let him need Me.” Oh, how revealing. I could then release that
worry and let God show Himself strong. Additionally, people worry because they
really do think worry does some good. One woman told me, “Well, of course,
worry works; after all, what I worry about doesn't happen.” I'm sure she was
joking (I think!), but in our hearts, we can think it does some good.
Unfortunately, worry only makes us tense and then we react in ways we regret.
Plus, God isn't honored.
Give us the history of your book.
I'm very excited that Partly Cloudy is being reborn.
It's the same book that was published in 2005 and now Lighthouse Publishing of
the Carolinas saw it's value and is re-releasing it. Can I be honest about
something I'm worried about, er, I mean trusting God for? I didn't add anything
to the original book and it wasn't until the process was too far along that
someone encouraged me to add an update. So offering the same material is a
concern because those who already read it won't need it. (Did you know you can
be concerned and it doesn't have to turn into worry?) So I'm trusting God that
my readers will want to be reminded of the material, knowing that none of us
overcomes worry completely.
Why did you write Partly Cloudy with Scattered
God was working and tranforming me to trust Him more and I
wanted to share what I had learned. My desire is to help readers trust God more
by being convinced of His greatness, sovereignty, power, love, and involvement.
We can say we trust God but then we give in to anxiety, People Pleasing,
controlling others, regrets, fear, and trying to provide for ourselves when God
says to wait on Him. Our responses actually reveal that we don't trust God as
much as we think we do.
What is your ultimate desire for your ministry?
I've been in ministry for a long time—my first article was
published in 1978 and my first book in 1984. Hard to believe since I'm not that
old! But in all these years, I've been motivated to minister in such a way that
women see God in truth and then take every thought captive to the obedience of
Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Much of our worry is because we believe lies about God
and we allow any thought to permeate our minds as truth. Although I'm learning
like everyone else to trust God more and more, I desire to help every woman
know she can believe God wants the very best for her and then want His glory.
Are you available for speaking, especially on this
topic of overcoming worry?
Oh yes, I love to speak on lots of topics, including
overcoming worry. I especially love speaking at women's retreats because I can
have extended contact with the women. I can be reached at Kathyspeak (at) dc
(dot) rr (dot) com.
It is
possible to worry less through trusting God more. Regardless of the storms of
trials, temptations, worry, uncertainty, confusion, or regrets that you're
facing, you can trust God more. Partly Cloudy with Scattered Worries
offers a conversational style, personal testimonies, practical illustrations,
and solid biblical teaching for breaking anxiety and the devastating effects of
worry. Each chapter includes Discussion Questions for individuals or groups,
along with a “Letter from God.” In addition, a profile of a woman in the Bible
who struggled with or experienced victory over worry is featured in each
chapter to inspire every reader to see God's hand in her life.
Collard Miller is a speaker and author. Her passion is to inspire women to
trust God more. She has spoken in 30 states and 7 foreign countries. Kathy has
49 published books including Women of the Bible: Smart Guide to the Bible (Thomas
Nelson) and she blogs at Kathy lives in Southern
California with her husband of 43 years, Larry, and is the proud grandma of
Raphael. Kathy and Larry often speak together at marriage events and retreats.