Oh, I want to be that little boy.
To love Jesus and His Word so much that I howl with joy.
That's my hope for 2022.
I confess to losing a lot of hope in 2021.
Covid turned my world upside down
as satan skillfully tempted me to lose heart.
Hoping to continue my speaking ministry was replaced by
hoping I could speak without losing my breath.
My hope to be the best grandma changed
to making sure I don't go near, kiss, or hold my little ones
who could so innocently infect this
immunocompromised body with another deadly bout with covid.
It's been crushing.
Not seeing my family.
Never entering a church building.
Losing the fellowship of Bible study with friends.
Watching my husband give up his life to keep me safe.
Expecting the vaccine to work and then
learning it is not effective on those with blood cancer.
Losing vocabulary and memories from covid brain interference.
Developing phantosmia where my whole world smells like cat urine.
The tension with people who feel wearing a mask is stupid and
getting vaccinated unthinkable.
Life has been hard and hope seemed to wane.
Not this year!
In 2022 Hope is back!
My ability to continue as a speaker,
my smell,
my grandchildren,
my lungs,
my brain
may not be back, but
Hope is back!
My hope is in His unfailing love.
Never ending,
Love of God
My word for 2022:
My verse for 2022:
". . . the Lord's delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in His unfailing love."
(Psalm 147:11)
This year I've also chosen words from a favorite Christmas carol, "Oh Holy Night."
"A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!"
A thrill of hope!
My weary world rejoices
for yonder breaks
a new and glorious morn!
Delight in me Lord Jesus
for my hope is in your unfailing love!
You Jesus are my hope and my song and I will ever trust in You!
I'm pretty thrilled to see what You will do
every new and glorious morn
in 2022!
Happy New Year, dear ones May your hearts overflow with hope!

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