Let's change the world in 2021. We can if we just obey the simplest of commands and my verse for 2021:
"Be thankful in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Let's resolve to live a life of thankfulness. Social media reveals our unthankful hearts. We complain about everything. The weather rarely suits us, our spouses can annoy us, our children misbehave. . . Life is difficult.
Even so, God says, "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you . . . " I learned and I am still learning the value of this command when covid-19 hit my body and continues to affect my life.
At the moment I am tethered to a 50 foot breathing tube connecting my nose with a machine keeping me breathing and alive. Now, I know what dogs feel like when leashed. I've also compared myself to a leper as I avoid all people in hopes my disease won't afflict them. For over three weeks I remained isolated in the hospital not sure if I would live or die. Surely, Lord, I have reason to complain. My life has been disrupted. I doubt I will again ride the bicycle Dan bought me for my 72nd birthday in October. Will Dan and I ever golf again? Swimming in the middle of Lake Pleasant off of our boat is a joy of my past. If I let it, sadness can overtake me.
But God says this is God's will for me and I am to be thankful. Be thankful or be miserable? Pretty easy choice. What good does our complaining do? None. Our circumstances don't change. We just slump deeper into our pathetic, poor-me pit.
So, in 2021, I choose to be thankful. We have so much to be thankful for. Dwell on all that lifts us up and let go of all that drags us down. Remember, you are a representative of the Lord Jesus. Trust Him and be thankful.