Monday, January 21, 2019

Elaine W. Miller Shares How Cancer Changed Her Heart on Keepin' It Real Interview

Does cancer change your life? Absolutely. In many ways cancer makes one's life richer, fuller, brighter, and deeper.  Listen to Lisa Buske and Elaine chat girlfriend-to-girlfriend about her latest book Praise the Lord and Pass the Chemo! satan did all he could to disrupt this interview, so the first 19 minutes are a bit broken up in places. The last half has blessings you will not want to miss.

Please click below to listen.

Thank you Lisa Buske for your heart for the hurting. Lisa's life changed the day her sister Heidi was abducted. The most awful experience of her life made her, in many ways, richer, fuller, brighter, and deeper. Lisa's book Where's Heidi will encourage any going through the worst of times. To learn more about Lisa Buske and listen to other "Keepin' It Real" podcasts, please hit

Troubles open our eyes to priorities and fill us with compassion for the hurting. God promises in Deuteronomy 23:5

. . . the Lord your God . . . turned the curse into a blessing for you, 
because the Lord your God loves you.

Which is why we have A Hopeful Response to A Hard Reality and we can say Praise the Lord and Pass the Chemo. Whatever life throws us, bring it on! God has won the victory!

My love and prayers for all hurting today,


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