Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Grandchildren Lessons

Dan and I adore and enjoy our eight grandchildren. They teach us much about Christ and living the Christian life.

Last week five-year-old Brenna and two-year-old Charlotte played in our backyard. Without warning, Charlotte stepped on a bees' nest setting off a flurry of bees stinging both of our sweet girls. As Dan ran to reach screaming Charlotte, he witnessed Brenna (ignoring her own bee stings) with her arms around Charlotte trying to protect and comfort while brushing bees from Charlotte's skin. Brenna never cried and never left Charlotte's side.

Jesus said we are to change and become like little children. 
How are we doing with that command?

 Our Christian homes and our Christian churches should be safe havens from the stings of the world. May we be like little Brenna who to me was a picture of Christ. She died to self and her own pain so she could soothe her sister. Jesus said "Let the little children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children."

I hope I never grow up!



  1. I loved this story--you have special grandchildren there:)

  2. Thanks Terri. Children so often teach me how to behave.


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