Elizabeth Taylor was a woman of passion. She married eight times--twice to Richard Burton. She claims Michael Todd and Richard Burton were the loves of her life. Sad that Michael Todd died. Unfortunate that she and Richard just couldn't get along. It's tragic that this great woman of passion searched over and over again for happiness in marriage and she never found it. Asked, if she would marry again, she proclaimed, "Oh no!..."
I'm a little like Elizabeth Taylor. I don't have her talent or her beauty, but I do have her passion for love and for marriage. Today, I thank God that the first and the tenth year of my marriage when I wanted to run, I stayed. I shudder to think what my life would have been had I successfully thrown away this dear man I adore.
Thank you God, for my one husband who I love with all my heart. He still sends tingles down my spine, butterflies in my tummy, and tears of gratitude in my eyes at just the thought of him.
It isn't always so. But we hold on during the difficult times, we grow closer as we work out our differences. Our love blossoms as we dig in and commit to make our marriage grow stronger and longer.
This I know: Many say if they had worked as hard at their first marriage as they worked at their second, there would not have been a second marriage. Too many give up too soon for too little reason.
How about you? Are you at the end of your rope? Hold on. Don't let go. I thank God He held Dan and I together when I wanted us apart. We needed a miracle and we trusted in a miracle-working God. What He did for us, He can do for you. Cling to Him when your marriage seems hopeless. Remember that nothing is impossible for God.
To me, Elizabeth Taylor was a delicate child desperate to love and to be loved. I wonder if she ever knew how deeply Jesus loved her and how desperately He wanted her to love Him. In Jesus, she would have found what she was searching for in husbands. For He alone can satisfy the needs a man can never fulfill.
Praying your marriage is a splash of serenity that keeps on splashing!
Hey Mom- thanks for not having 10 husbands! Lol. No seriously, thanks to both you and dad for your committment to each other and to God. You've left your own legacy...
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, Elaine. Thanks for a lovely post. I too am married to my one and only and adore him altho we don't always agree. I thank God for a man who loves me enough to put up w/all my impossiblities! :)
Dan and I will celebrate 23 years of marriage this June! It's not always easy, but being determined to work through difficulties has kept us going.
ReplyDeleteMy parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday. My mom jokes that it has been 50 years of "wedded incompatiability".
ReplyDeleteThanks Elaine. I'm in this place now, fighting to hold together a marriage that nearly broke apart. It's difficult and sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. What it comes down to for me at the end of the day is, I made a commitment before God, and that is not something I take lightly.
ReplyDeleteI've made up my mind that, as long as my home is not poisoned by addiction or abuse, I will carry on.
God go with you, my friend.
Rejoicing in the day,
Very nicely said Elaine. We have been through the fire a few times in our marriage...but God is faithful to keep that which we have committed unto him...and marriage should always be a three fold cord...committed to God as much as each other. Thanks for this post, it's a great reminder.
ReplyDeleteDearest Mary, May our Lord Jesus heal your pain and your marriage. May He shine and be glorified and bless you by your obedience to Him. I pray You, Jesus, will work in the heart of Mary and her husband and fill them with love for each other like they've never known before. Protect and restore this marriage I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
ReplyDeleteI can so relate, Mary. There were times in the early years, I relived over and over the vows at the altar of God being made in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Thanking God my marriage lasted. Praying for strength for you and the same outcome. Thanks for posting.
Great post! Being married is hard work but I really think you get out what you put into it. My husband and I have been together 9 years and even though there have been rough times. I can't imagine life any other way.
ReplyDeleteWhat do I do? I trust God, but I am having a very difficult time. My wife has filed for divorce and they are not on biblical grounds. She claims I have killed our marriage and I understand the pain I have caused. But I can't make her forgive me. This hurts so much. We have 3 young children and my stepson is 15. This would be Adriana's 2nd divorce. Everytime I talk to her, she claims I am the cause of the divorce. I don't know what to do.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear of your marriage difficulties and your pain. I am not a marriage counselor, but I have written a book, "Splashes of Serenity: Bathtime Reflections for Drained Wives" telling of my own failing marriage and how it was restored. One wife wrote that "every wife in the world should read it." Actually, I wrote it to be read by husbands too. If interested, please let me know. Cost is $13.99 + $3.50 shipping.
If you and your wife have not spoken to a Christian Counselor, I suggest you seek one immediately. If Adriana will not go for counselling, please go alone as a step towards healing and reconciliation.
God can change hearts. Commit to praying for your wife and your marriage. Assure her of your commitment to her and to your marriage.
Lord Jesus, I do pray for Christopher and Adriana. Heavenly Father, restore love in Adriana's heart. May she be able to forgive Christopher for the pain he has caused. I do pray for Christopher that whatever pain he caused, You would work in his life and enable him to be the loving husband that Adriana needs. Protect these dear children and this marriage, Lord. Give Christopher direction I pray, in Jesus Name. Amen.
May God prevail and be glorified in your marriage, Christopher.