Friday, October 1, 2010

Why I Love My Birthday!

I love my birthday! Too many of my friends died young and never saw their son graduate from Law School, planned their daughters' weddings, held their new-born grandbabies, took long walks with older grandchildren, laughed themselves silly with their girlfriends, grew old with the love of their life. God gave me a gift when I was born--LIFE--I intend to live it to the hilt.

I celebrate by writing myself a birthday poem each year. Trust me, it is the only day I write poetry. Read it and enjoy the gift of life God gave to YOU.

Yes, it's true
Today I am sixty-two.
I won't "boo hoo"
Or yet say, "Toodle-oo!"

I am sixty-two
But I'm not blue
There's still lots to do:
Unseen places to view,

Memories to accrue,
Grandbabies to "peek-a-boo!"
A hubby who needs me too.
I'd love to have tea with you.

I still hope to write a book or two!
New exotic foods I have yet to chew.
Like to hike, golf, and kayak--to name a few!
At the end of my days, hoping to say, "Phew!"

This I know is true:
I am sixty-two
And happy as can be
That I'm not yet sixty-three!

Praying I keep shining through all my days and splashing the world with His Serenity!
