Hosanna to God in the Highest!!!
Don't you wish every day was Palm Sunday where we spend our days in awe of God praising Him for every breath we breathe? As we all know, it may be Palm Sunday, but Friday's coming. Shouts of praise became shouts of condemnation.
Crucify Him!
Crucify Him!
How thankful I am for my Jesus' death on the cross taking the punishment for the sins of the world and for the power of God displayed on Easter Sunday when Jesus rose from the grave.
Alive forevermore!!!
What a great God, worthy of our praise.
Can we ever praise God enough? I don't think so. Which is why when my friend Hannah Picard became a Praise Coach and developed a Power of Praise on-line course, I took an interest. Hannah grew up in the church where my husband Dan pastored. As a teen and a twenty, her passion for God was evident. Now grown with much life experience, including tragedies, she lives a life of praise and desires Christians to realize the full joy of the Lord when we live every day (even the difficult days) seeing God's Hand in every moment and praising Him.
We are made to praise and I can testify my heart was opened to areas in my life where I can praise God more.
A sneak peak to the Made to Praise course: My chores turned to cheers when I turned my "to do" list into a "get to do" list. I began praising God for all I "get to do." Wow. I get to fold that basket of laundry and I get to wash those dirty dishes and I get to forgive someone who hurt me. Life is filled with joy when we thank God for all the things we "get to do!" when we live a life of praise to Him.
Listen and learn from Hannah on her website at www.madetopraiseusa.com. I recommend her as a speaker at your event, as well! What joy she brings to our lives as we see Jesus living in her through her praises to Him. Hannah, when I look at what God is doing in your life, I just want to Praise the Lord!

Blessings to all on this Holy Week,

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