We kissed goodbye one year ago
(knowing this could be our last kiss).
Being admitted to the hospital with severe covid we didn't know our
mourning would become a joyous blessing.
". . . He will give a crown of beauty for ashes,
a joyous blessing instead of mourning,
festive praise instead of despair . . ."
Isaiah 61:3
It's been a year of crowns of beauty,
of joyous blessings,
of festive praise.
Today we celebrate and remember the blessings:
The blessing of seeing Jesus in ways I've never seen Him.
The blessing of the Holy Spirit enveloping my entire being with joy and praise.
The blessing of seeing Jesus in the flesh through the care of hospital personnel.
The blessing of praying with every nurse, doctor, and therapist.
The blessing of realizing the love and prayers of an army of Christian friends.
The blessing of deeper love and intimacy with my devoted husband.
The blessing of peace in the midst of turmoil.
The blessing of surrender when times seemed dire.
The blessing of intense Bible reading and prayer.
The blessing of knowing Jesus is all I have and He is enough.
The blessing of healthy eating and daily exercise.
The blessing of working hard to restore my lungs.
The blessing of once again hugging my grandbabies.
The blessing of climbing a mountain and celebrating life.
The blessing of smelling coffee and home-made bread.
The blessing of seeing the world with new eyes.
The blessing of resetting my priorities.
The blessing of learning from the great teacher called suffering.
We've also experienced a year of
I still need oxygen while sleeping.
Damaged lungs are a daily warning to be aware of any respiratory illness.
Post-covid PTSD and anxiety can raise its ugly head.
There's a bald spot on the back of my head.
Hair loss. Who knew?
My smell has a mind of its own — sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.
And my biggest heartache:
Doctors caution me against participating in a large group — no church — yet.
I grieve the losses as
I focus on the praises, for
God taught me through covid to enter each day with
festive praise
and to see the
and the
Abiding in Christ.
May your day be filled with beauty, blessings, and praise!

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