Nurses! I salute you!!!
When the tests came back negative and the doctor said "Send him home,"
a nurse spied his slightly swollen leg and
defied the doctor with her observation.
Within a few hours and more tests,
200 blood clots were discovered in Dan's lungs.
A nurse saved my husband's life.
Your knowledge of multitudes of illnesses,
training that never ends,
sacrifice of life and family and time,
love for unlovely patients,
care with compassion, and
kindness under pressure
is honored today.
Thank you for loving your patients.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for crying with me,
Praying with me,
Holding me,
Making me smile and laugh out loud,
For being gentle,
For understanding my fears,
For your patience,
and tears.
You have chosen an honorable profession.
May your reward be on earth as it is in Heaven.
With thanks from all who depend on you
to catch what the doctor may miss.
Doctors! I salute you too!
God has blessed me with wonderful medical care and
I am thankful to each of you.
But, today is Nurses' Appreciation Day!
Know you are appreciated!
" . . . be strong and do not give up,
for your work will be rewarded."
2 Chronicles 15:7 (NIV)
Know you are appreciated!
" . . . be strong and do not give up,
for your work will be rewarded."
2 Chronicles 15:7 (NIV)
Nurses fill my life with splashes of serenity for which I am thankful.

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