God says He is able to give us more than we ask or think. That is certainly true for me. Never did I think We All Married Idiots would be published in Spanish. But here it is:

Available for purchase on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Todos-Nos-Casamos-Idiotas-Matrimonio/dp/1941103065
Thanking God and thanking Stephanie Beers (International Worker in Uruguay) who first read We All Married Idiots in English, and sent me a message saying,
"We need this book in Spanish. Can I translate it?"
Thanks Stephanie and her team of editors who worked as unto the Lord to get God's Word on marriage out to Spanish-speaking couples.
Thanks to my publisher, Eddie Jones and Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, who saw the possibilities of a Spanish translation and didn't hesitate to say, Let's do this.
Thank you too, readers. Will you help me get the word out as well and tell every Spanish-speaking couple you know about this book? Would you pray Todos Nos Casamos con Idiotas reaches many in the Spanish community. Thank you!
Please keep the translators in Russia and Bosnia in prayer as they work on the Russian and Bosnian translations of We All Married Idiots. Wow! Reaching the world for Christ has always been my goal.
"Now all glory to God,
who is able, through his mighty power at work within us,
to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."
Ephesians 3:20 (NLT)
You all are a splash of serenity to my soul! Thank you!!!
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