Wednesday, March 19, 2014

All the Money an Author Doesn't Make

I am writing this for those people who wonder (and ask me) how much money I make? Dan did our taxes today, so now I know. First, let me explain the reality of my profession.

People think having a book published is like winning the lottery. Now that my book is published, I'm living like this:

Au contraire mon ami.

Statistics vary but the following are safe estimates:

Three percent of writers see their book published, so in a way I have won the lottery. My published books number three.

The average book sells 90 copies. My books sold many more than 90 copies, so I am above average. In fact, I've hit some best-seller lists and had some second and third printings. Celebration time!

One percent of those three percent who publish earn enough money to support a family. Oops, I'm fading fast. I didn't make that glorious one percent, even if I lived in a third world country.

So the average and above average published author does not look like the woman above, but rather like the man below.

Rob Eager stated in a recent blog that a self-published book yields an average $5,000 income and a book published with a traditional publisher yields $10,000. Now we know why authors write more than one book a year, and, most likely, still can't support their family.

I hate disappointing my enthusiastic fans who are thrilled at my sudden wealth. Taxes don't lie. I figured out my income and I earn about 59 cents an hour. I use the term "earn" earnestly, because writing and speaking is hard work.

The question remains, is it worth the time, effort, and money I invest to write a book? Oh my YES! The royalty checks aren't much, but the emails from readers are priceless. The marriages saved, encouragement given, new lives committed to Christ, joy-filled hearts, and  splashes of serenity on readers who knew no hope until they read my books — well, how do you put a salary on those blessings?

So, what do you think? Are you surprised? You can take me off that pedestal now.

Writing Splashes of Serenity for not much money, but with plenty of joy!
