I love experiencing Christmas through the hearts and eyes of children. They teach us so much. Last weekend I took a walk in the snow with my sweet granddaughter, Brenna.
"What would you like for Christmas?" I asked.
"Grandma, you're not Santa Claus!"
"I know I'm not Santa Claus. But I want to buy you a gift for Christmas. What would you like?"
"Grandma, it's NOT MY birthday. It's Jesus's birthday!"
I could almost hear the SHEESH!!! in her rolling eyes! Adults can exasperate children with our stupidity.
Brenna made me think, What will I give Jesus for His birthday? Good question.
How about you? What will you give to Jesus this Christmas? I suggest your children (and you) include Jesus on your Christmas gift list. Then we'll sleep like Brenna knowing Christmas isn't all about us. It's all about Jesus.
Wishing you a December filled with peace-filled sleep and splashes of serenity,

"What would you like for Christmas?" I asked.
"Grandma, you're not Santa Claus!"
"I know I'm not Santa Claus. But I want to buy you a gift for Christmas. What would you like?"
"Grandma, it's NOT MY birthday. It's Jesus's birthday!"
I could almost hear the SHEESH!!! in her rolling eyes! Adults can exasperate children with our stupidity.
Brenna made me think, What will I give Jesus for His birthday? Good question.
How about you? What will you give to Jesus this Christmas? I suggest your children (and you) include Jesus on your Christmas gift list. Then we'll sleep like Brenna knowing Christmas isn't all about us. It's all about Jesus.
Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay
Close by me forever and love me I pray.
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
And take us to Heaven to live with thee there.
Wishing you a December filled with peace-filled sleep and splashes of serenity,
out of the mouths of babes!