Thursday, March 17, 2011

Goat Milk Soaps and Salves for Sale

Goat milk? My daughter, Elizabeth Sliwa, has plenty and enjoys the splashes of serenity it brings to her family. She'd love to share some of that serenity with you. Dandelion's Acre Goat's Milk Soaps and Salves is now available to you. You'll love it! One bath and my skin was softer. One application of "Breathe Better Balm" and you'll sleep sounder.

My favorites are Lavender Vanilla with Almonds, Wild Peppermint, and Rustic Rose. Of course the sWEEt Bottoms Balm for Baby is the best for the sweet cheeks living in your house!

Check it out on her blog, or email her at

Happy Bathing and Splashes of Serenity to YOU!
