Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Jesus Stopped. Will You?

 Jesus stopped.
 Those two words struck me. 

On His way, 
Jesus stopped and
 asked a blind man,
 "What do you want me to do for you?" 
(Luke 18:41).

Our pastor encouraged us to


Don't rush from here to there and miss
 our purpose in being where we are now.


Ask a stranger,
 "Is there anything I can do for you?" or
 "Is there anything I can pray for you?"

  I stopped.
   to meet the couple sitting next to me.  
I stopped
and asked,
"Can I pray for you?"
Unanimous, they replied, 
   "Yes. Please.
 Please pray God gives us a baby." 
What an honor to pray that precious prayer for 
God's great gift of children.
The three of us were blessed that 
I stopped and 
cared and 

Later that day
I stopped at a
 Community Musical performance 
and asked
 a sweet young lady 
if she liked music.
 I told her about Evelyn 
who loved ringing her jingle bell. 
My new friend 
Amy and I
 talked quite a while.
 like Evelyn,
 has Down Syndrome. 
We brought cheer to each of our hearts because
I stopped.

Amy told me of her mother
 who played the drums in the band and
 leads a musical group of 
special people like Amy and like Evelyn.  
Amy was happy
 her mother 
her own life
 to care for others.

Sherri and Rick Snavely
on their way home from church.  
The night before, 
Dan and I attended an Aaron Schust dinner concert at 
Family Life Ministries. 
There were hundreds of people there for dinner and a concert. 
When I returned home,
 I realized one of my hearing aids was gone.
 Oh no!
 $6,000 aids gone.
 Just on a whim, and a little desperate,
 I posted the loss on facebook. 
What are the chances
 anyone would see my post or 
have the hearing aid? 
Not likely. 
Sherri glanced at facebook. 
She and Rick stopped at FLM and 
combed the large floor 
before it would be swept on Monday morning. 
Sherri found my lost hearing aid. 
Sherri and Rick call it a miracle! 
Miracles are what happen when 
 we stop

My hearing aid still works!
Another miracle!
No person or 
chair or
 garlic mashed potato
 stepped on it along the way. 
 What servant hearts!
 Those Snavely's! 
What a beautiful act of servant leadership. 
I thank God 
you stopped.

And you stopped
Thousands of you stopped last week and 
prayed for my grandgirl 
Evie recovering from heart surgery.  Being resuscitated twice in the last six months, and 
the doctor telling us if her heart stops again,
 her chances of survival 
are not good,
 the gravity of her heart condition was real.
 But you stopped and 
you prayed and 
you shared with your churches and
 they stopped and prayed and 
they shared with their social network and 
more stopped and prayed.
 The Holy Spirit orchestrated 
a movement of prayer 
around the globe and 
people stopped and 
people prayed.

  I wish you could see the messages I received. 
"I don't even know who Evie is,
 but she has touched my heart and 
I am praying for her."
 "I hope I meet Evie someday because 
she has changed my life.
 Her courage and strength 
give me courage and strength."

 I heard from people all over the world.
 I don't even know how they learned of Evie. 

Thank you for stopping and praying. 
God answered in miraculous ways. 
Evie is recovering and 
the twinkle is back in her blueberry eyes as 
she plays with her jingle bell. 
Next week we hope all the tubes will be removed and 
we'll see her sweet smile. 
What a glorious day of praise that will be.

We live in a world that hurts.
 Smiling faces masquerade the pain deep in one's heart. 
Let's make an effort to 
stop and
 ask as Jesus did to the blind man, 
"What do you want me to do for you?" (Luke 18:41). 
Each one 
stopping for
 each one.

 What a blessed way to live — just like Jesus.

May your day be filled with splashes of serenity!
