Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Keep Watering, Moms. Some Children are Late Bloomers

All of a sudden the flowers popped!
 For years I watered this little two-leafed plant. 
The results: 
 one leaf fell off.
 I would have thrown her away, but she was a gift from someone I loved, 
so I kept watering. 
My only goal was keep that one leaf alive. 
one day 
another leaf grew, 
and another. 

This week, 
in the dead of winter, 
she popped. 
One flower,
 now two, 
and three on it's way. 

Some children are late bloomers.
 Keep watering, moms!

 When a leaf falls to the ground, 
keep watering, Moms! 

God is creating your beautiful flower
 in His Time, 
in His Way. 

"Train up a child the way he should go:
 and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
 (Proverbs 22:6)

Splashes of Serenity on your day!

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