Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Has God Put A Cancer Patient in Your Life or at Your Market?

Tears! Those are the drops I shed when I realize what God is doing with the work He placed in my heart. Praise the Lord and Pass the Chemo has reached across the States and into El Salvador.

My friend from El Salvador ordered two copies of Praise the Lord and Pass the Chemo: A Hopeful Response to a Hard Reality.

She writes:

Both copies of Praise the Lord and Pass the Chemo have been given away spontaneously. I'm glad I quickly read it before the second copy flew out of my hands about an hour ago— to a cancer patient. 

I have been watching her for a couple of years, now. She owns a little corner convenience store that sells fruit and vegetables. Our favorite goodies are the homemade Salvadorean sweet and savory breads and fresh bread. 

Obviously under treatment, I have occasionally asked how she was doing. Radiation markers and a port site have faded and her beautiful head scarves have been set aside as her hair is filling in. A puffy extremity is covered by a compression sleeve. 

A smile and a polite conversation led me to be forward... “Is there any chance you could read a book in English?” I was surprised at my lack of thought before those words escaped me. 

“I have something just for you!" I left my fresh bread and produce on the counter and went to the car to get the book.

 “Here! This is for you! It is nourishment for the soul!”  

I explained in Spanish that you are one of my dearest friends and a pastor’s wife. I also told her that your husband officiated at my wedding to my Salvadorean beloved, the very reason why I reside in El Salvador.

 I explained that your response to your diagnosis was, “For the glory of God” and that you released your book only a couple of weeks ago and that I wanted her to have it. An educated, middle class lady, she told me that she would try very hard to read the English. We clasped hands. So, off for the glory of God goes your book!

Wow! I love these God stories. Please pray this dear El Salvadorean cancer patient will be able to read the book and God would speak to her through it.

I'd love to hear your God stories and how Praise the Lord and Pass the Chemo is impacting the world with hope. Has God put a cancer patient in your life or at your market? Perhaps you will be surprised how quickly God opens doors for a conversation and a gift of hope.

Bring a Splash of Serenity to a cancer patient in your life,


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