Monday, September 10, 2012

We All Married Idiots TV Interview on WSYR TV

What a joy to share God's design for marriage versus the world's view of marriage on a secular television station. See it here:

Bridge Street: We all Married Idiots 9-7-12 - One News Page [US] VIDEO

Tony Danza said "Enjoy your interview and people will enjoy watching you." So, enjoy your opportunities to shine Christ in this life.

At least four people came to my book signing  at Sacred Melody Bookstore in Syracuse after seeing the interview on television. Exciting to make new friends and greet dear old ones.

Keep the splashes of serenity and the open doors coming Lord Jesus!


1 comment:

  1. Elaine,

    Your interview shared your joy, humor, and sweet disposition to a tee! You rocked it girl!

    Lisa M Buske


I would love hearing from you! Thanks for sharing!