Saturday, August 20, 2011

Don't Miss The Little Things That Make Life Big

My daughter, Elizabeth, lives life to the full! See for yourself on her blog,
She came for a visit carrying her six children (the youngest still being knit), and the book, 1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp.

Intrigued by this New York Times Bestseller, I read a few pages, put it down, and ordered my own copy to soak in every word during my vacation.

Because I don't want to miss anything in life, I go on vacation taking my hubby, my Bible, my journal, our kayaks, s'more swords, Bananagrams, and 1000 Gifts. Looking forward to holding my kids and grandkids and creating more than 1,000 memories that won't be forgotten. Praising God and expecting a great splash of serenity!

Please watch the above You-tube. Don't miss the serenity in the splashes of your life,



  1. My dear friend,

    Have fun on vacation! I'm proud of you!


  2. I started collecting "moments" a year or so ago. (I'm so glad they don't need to be dusted like so many other collectibles!) Love to you Elaine, and thanks for sharing some wonderful moments of life with me!

  3. Lisa and Ferree--two of my bestest writing buddies. So glad God took our writing and brought us together as friends and encouragers. You two are certainly gifts from God to me! Blessings.


I would love hearing from you! Thanks for sharing!